Write for us

We appreciate your desire to contribute a paid guest article to our website. We are constantly looking for excellent content that will benefit our readers.

Please read the following instructions before submitting a guest post:

Content: Your guest article should be engaging, educational, and pertinent to our readership. We are searching for articles that are at least 800 words long and that concentrate on subjects relating to the specialty of our website.

Originality: We only accept unique work that hasn’t been published anywhere else. Articles already published on other websites or plagiarized are not welcome.

Links: Your guest post may contain up to two links. You will get do 2 follow links, These links shouldn’t be affiliate or promotional and should be pertinent to the subject matter of your essay. If you want an affiliate link in a guest post then you have to pay an extra fee.

Payment: All guest postings are subject to a fee. Money is required upfront and is not refundable. We accept Payoneer and PayPal as forms of payment.

Please send us an email at [contact@worldcoronaviras.com] with the following details if you would like to contribute a guest post:

After reviewing your application, we’ll let you know an hour later what we’ve decided. We appreciate you considering writing a guest article for our website. We anticipate hearing from you!